Sunday, May 17, 2009


Are you pro-life or pro-choice? That is one question that most of my politically minded friends and students enjoy to ask me. Honestly, they have been trying to bring me to that table of discussion for years, and it does seem like they are not ready to back down until I respond. They simply will not give up. No wonder I love them so much. Well, now that I bring it up, I am sure you want to ask me the same question. Fine, keep reading because I finally have an answer. Or maybe not. Should I try to be politically correct or just be honest? Well, nowadays, it seems like people do not really care about honesty anymore. No wonder, politicians always wait for the polls to come out before answering, or addressing certain non-popular or too popular issues.

It is so interesting listening and reading from highly educated and highly respected people making a big deal out of something so simple. With all due respect, I would ask whether their case is really about abortion, hypocrisy, or simply because they have problems living with the difference. I am not pro-choice. I am not pro-life. I am pro-human. Now, where does that put me? I say that only because I do not want to live by neither one of these political slogans: "Pro-life, Pro-choice".

I think it is fine to protest against abortion; however, I do not think that will change much until we stop those egocentric views, approaches, and judgments. I think protesters (pro-choicers and pro-lifers) should start communicating with women who consider abortion as their best option. They must not forget to sit with other women who carry their children to term only because they could not afford abortion or because they did not have a choice.

I overheard a man saying no to abortion only because his women are his property. To him their job is to have children and they cannot say no. Now, how many of us (men) are thinking, feeling, and treating women the same. Is it really about the unborn? If it is really about the unborn, let's really start talking about the needs of those millions abandoned, homeless children who wake up this morning hungry, thirsty, dirty, humiliated, sick, forgotten and who are going to bed tonight hungrier, thirstier, dirtier, more humiliated, more sick, more forgotten by the rest of the us. Can we start loving them? Thousands are aborted every year; millions are wishing they were not born. What do you think of that?

The pro-life message should not stop at a protest in front of an abortion clinic, a political rally, or at the polls. It should be about sharing a piece of bread, a cup of clean water, a home, a hospital bed, and hope with these millions needy children living right here, in the Great United States of America.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, I am back with a new blog title, in a new political era, and under a very much new government administration in Washington. Okay. I am just kidding. The administration is not necessarily new; the faces are very familiar. It has been a long while since our last post. Anyway, nevertheless, I could not be happier coming back. And this time I promise myself not to let one day pass without my mark.

If you have been reading our posts, we are pretty sure that the presidential election of President Barack Obama is no surprise to you at all. We warned them not to underestimate his power, not to ignore him, and not to make the same critical that even most members of his political party (Democrats), pundits, and other presidential candidates were making on a daily basis. All that was only to find themselves biting their thumbs from his clenching of the democratic party's nomination and winning the most historical American presidential election ever.

After eight years, not only the Bush administration's two presidential terms were over, it seems like Republicans are losing even what the French people call "Leur raison d'etre". Ouch! I know that is not easy to consider or accept, but I only hope that they are not measuring their current conditions just like they saw the candidature of Obama. Otherwise, Democrats will remain in power for at least the next three presidential elections to come. Because if they keep winning the majority in both the Senate and the House of Representative, with the transformation of the American politics with the election of Obama, it is just not going to be easy to stop them.

My one message to the Republicans is to start regrouping the party, re-writing their mission statement, their core principles, and unconditionally start listening to the people. Because America changes. The presidential election of Obama is the most perfect message of what the American society and the rest of the world is about. Republicans are to learn their lessons and change, or America and the rest of the world will continue to change without them. Starting or continuing political opposition again the new administration can only cause more damage to the party.

America sent and delivered a strong message. People definitely want to make sure that Republicans have received it, considered it, valued it, and learned from it. And most importantly they sealed it with their open will to contribute their citizen services to America to make sure that Obama succeeds. I almost forgot to mention that polls show that they give Obama a two-year window to really start making things happen. That election has been no less than an American political, social, racial, and even economic revolution.

Unless Republicans understand what has been happening in America from the past two years they are not only facing election lost but even a complete division of the party in a very near future.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Like the old French saying goes:"Je suis jeune il est vrai mais aux ames bien nees, la valeur n'attend point le nombre des annees." From the day he announced his candidacy on the Oprah show to now, I know that presidential contender Obama was not to be ignored, misunderstood, underestimated, or misinterpreted. I saw him very much like Don Rodrigue from "Le Cid" of Pierre Corneille.

Of course being a little older, staying longer in Washington, being more familiar with the rest of the world, and some job experience in foreign policy would definitely make a major difference but the U.S. Constitution only requires him to be a 37 years of age U.S. born. Though, all that he really needs is to win presidential election.

With Obama come so many issues including race, color, political orientation, national and international name recognition, age, time in Washington, and so forth. But every caucus and primary he wins only make him a more serious contender for the White House. And after putting Hillary in a very must win situation over Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to secure her candidacy, Obama is only becoming more competitive, and much too serious to ignore or neglect for even one minute.

Obama is not running a campaign, he is running a movement. A political campaign can be stopped, defeated, or ignored with just one simple negative ad, but it takes a movement to stop another movement. Hillary is running a campaign but not a movement. Strategically, she is more likely to lose. Well, it may not be too late for a new contender to start a competitive movement against Obama's, but surely not Hillary for the democratic nomination. I still think that I have not seen the real strength and meaning of this movement yet. I do not expect to see all that until after the nomination. Should Obama become president, that would really be the power of the people by the people. That happened back in 1990 in Haiti with former President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

Hillary was right last week complaining that the media has been too nice towards Obama. She is somehow politically correct. As I claimed in a previous article: "Is the media in love with Obama or is it fear?" She told the truth but there will not be a change. It is simply not easy to face Obama. He is black, over fifty percent of the population find him likable, many see him as the agent of change, he is working with the youth and education is one of his priorities. All that makes it even much harder for the media to question him. Last month, Bill Clinton learned one of his worst lessons in his personal and political life. Bill Clinton was dissed by the very same person who named him the first black president just because he claimed that Obama's position on the Iraq war is a fairy tale. No wonder most interviews that Obama gives are more likely paid advertising.

At this point, Obama is the only rival that can stop himself. He is not a good target for the media, his opponents, or his critics. He is not a picture perfect but he is a fighter. Competitively, believe it or not, his pressure is harder on the democrats than the republicans.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How Hillary Lost The African American Electorate? by Arthur Boyer

Something must be definitely wrong for the Clintons to lose the African-American electorate that easy. Is it management, the messages, the whole campaign or is it the candidate herself? Well, it surely is no surprise to me at all. Some call it the beginning of the end, others call it just racism but no matter how it is described, something is definitely wrong.

Hillary's campaign has been underestimating Obama from the beginning. Until the Super Tuesday they have not really been paying him much attention. He has not been considered as a serious and competitive contender. Well, now it is very much too little too late. After wasting valuable time trumpeting experience from number of years in the White House as first lady and in the Senate and the Bill Clinton years, they are finally facing the regrettable truth. Maybe they thought that would be enough to get rid of Obama but they end up miserably wrong.

Hillary has not been campaigning as a candidate looking for the party's nomination before heading to general election. She played like her nomination was certain and did not have to worry about anything lesser. She has been only focusing on the general election ignoring her most competitive rival. They have been ignoring Obama so much that they strongly believe that they were the leader of the black voters.

They strongly banked on the old saying:"Bill Clinton is the first black president." As a result they lose the African American vote. Why? It is only because they did not seriously campaign for it. They thought it would come automatically. Wrong! Assumption is a no-no in politics especially when facing such a strong challenger. Honestly, African Americans know that Bill Clinton was never their president. I remember how hard it was for most of them to even accept Obama as an African American. They even claimed that he is not black enough. The generation that embraced Bill Clinton back then is significantly outnumbered.

The Clintons failed to campaign for the African American electorate and she loses it. It is that simple. Some claim that African Americans vote for Obama just because he is black but I think they do only because he worked hard for it. It is understood that the Clintons have done so much to better the African Americans' lives but whatever happened twelve years ago is politically dead. It is another generation. Hillary failed the African American test because she did not work for it. Is it too late for Hillary? It is already too late to bounce back.

Monday, January 28, 2008


It is so unfortunate the future of America-the leader of the world-is being decided over race. Wow! How amazing! I really feel like I am living in third world political arena. I am not calling the U.S. a third world country but come on. Please, show me something that defines the great American beyond that little four letter-word.

Well, only this time we cannot blame the media this time over that non-sense. But my thanks go the former President Bill Clinton who finally has the podium to proudly advertise his racial weakness. That is a shame. Has American politics been that so close-minded? Anyway, about time for the clown himself to take off his mask. What a beauty! It makes me laugh listening to people calling Bill Clinton the first black president. How ridiculous? But the worst part is he does not only accept the title but he seems to believe it also. That is the biggest racial fairy tale. I think it’s time to put that slogan to complete rest. The truth is black fell in love Bill Clinton only because they did not have a black candidate in the ballot.

Casting ballot over race is nothing short of complete ignorance as much as Bill Clinton is doing the dirtiest job to get his WIFE elected. The future of America should not be coming from any racial or gender ignorance. It should be about values, experience, patriotism and unbiased leadership judgment and decisions.

It has been over two centuries since American independence, almost fifty years since the Civil Right Act, and decades after launching in the moon but we still can’t see beyond the color of our skin. How wonderful!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Obama at War With China Over Toy Safety, by Arthur Boyer

Importing and exporting goods is one of the most critical issues of foreign policy. Considering how popular imported toys from China are in the United States, this Christmas season would definitely not be over without marking the 2008 American presidential. After presidential candidate Biden, Obama has decided to point the finger at China over the safety of its manufactured toys. And once again, Obama has made the legitimate difference in leadership jeopardizing his credentials as a leader.

From the war in Iraq to a potential war in Iran and now the importation of toys from China, Obama has been only been showing his not so popular but justified and strong judgment on issues that affect our lives as Americans. He may not be the most experienced character but he surely is showing that he can redefine "the politics as usual" format in Washington only by willing to go beyond the status quo. That is definition of a strong leader.

It is so unfortunate that we have so many introverted people who measure life up to their level or capacity of reflection. Thousands of words are being used to describe other candidates but only two-naive and inexperienced-, are used to describe Obama on any subject. That is so senseless. I may be wrong but I think it’s because everything now has to do with campaign war between Obama and Hillary.

It is a proven fact toys imported from China are not safe. Most of them are poisoned and the worst is that we do not have any effective inspection team at work to control them. The fact that they are well aware of the situations and not showing credible effort to solve, I think some action must be taken until we get our team at work and they get their act together.

Many people claimed that Obama's position on the issue is naive and inexperienced, only because that would affect the Chino-American business relation. How ridiculous! That man is a U.S. Senator who has sworn to serve and protect his country. He is only doing his job. He is talking about what the president should have considered a long time ago. He is talking about what the whole Congress should have been doing. He is doing what every father and mother should have been calling for.

Our kids are being poisoned. Are we trading our kids' lives over political agreement? Who has the duty to defend America, Obama or Qin Gang? Come on America. Over the past few years, members of Congress have demanded stricter enforcement of U.S. China goods but only to see the worst happening. It's time for an executive decision just like other countries have done to some U.S. products when we fail to meet their safety standards.

I am not supporting Obama but as a father, I thank him for his position on the issue. Hopefully, he will not stop defending our interests whether or not he wins the democratic nomination for the 2008. His idea is not popular. But let’s not forget how supportive we were of the war in Iraq. Is America safer today?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


If I am not mistaken, the world is about to witness the most interesting and the most questionable presidential election in the American History. Why don't I start with the primaries? Anyway, either one is subject to take us to another page of racial, gender, color, government of American history. Or should I say the world history? I guess that would have been fair enough. That is history in the making. Thanks God. I am so glad to be alive.

The pressure is on. Forget it. Let's say it in plain language: "The heat is on". Haitians would say: "Tripotay-la pral komanse". It does not matter the language or epithet you use, America is facing one of its biggest challenges. And the world is watching. It is nothing about the new terror threat, gas prices, the failing of the immigration reform bill or the failing grade of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is all about the presence of senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the presidential race (a woman and former first lady and an African American). I surely would not like to be a democrat at this time. No way, it is way too much to handle. However, democrats are confidently running the campaign show. The 2008 presidential will definitely draw more audience than the final of the last American Idol. Are you wondering why I put it that way? The answer is more people usually vote for American Idol contenders than the U.S. president. Believe it or not.

So far, things are looking good for both of them. Obama keeps drawing more people and collecting more money while Hillary is collecting a lot of money and getting more open in public and more support from her husband. People start to really know her. But there is one problem. It is clear that her campaign is doing its very best to keep Mr. Bill in the shadow but unfortunately the needs are calling for him. Going back to the Haitian history, in the late 1700's, Kerverseau claimed that avec Toussaint L'Ouverture, tu peux tout et sans Toussaint tu ne peux rien..." In other words, with Bill Clinton, Hillary can be all and without Bill she is only Hillary. If they do not want to ask for his help now, they will have to beg for it later. Otherwise, she can forget about winning Hispanic and Black voters.

US. Senator, Barrak Obama has been enjoying a solid FREE PRESS PASS, which he does not really take advantage of. Regardless, he is playing well. However, his campaign needs to understand that considering all the odds against him, playing along or doing fine is not enough. It is time to be running the show. It is now or never. I understand that he is trying to run a clean and irregular American style of political campaign. Come on, give me a break. I am not calling for dirty political moves but time is calling for some actions. Why not some attacks? If Obama's campaign does not change their strategy, it will only keep them in second place. I feel like they are working for a running mate position. Because keeping things the way they are is just good for Hillary.