Wednesday, July 18, 2007


If I am not mistaken, the world is about to witness the most interesting and the most questionable presidential election in the American History. Why don't I start with the primaries? Anyway, either one is subject to take us to another page of racial, gender, color, government of American history. Or should I say the world history? I guess that would have been fair enough. That is history in the making. Thanks God. I am so glad to be alive.

The pressure is on. Forget it. Let's say it in plain language: "The heat is on". Haitians would say: "Tripotay-la pral komanse". It does not matter the language or epithet you use, America is facing one of its biggest challenges. And the world is watching. It is nothing about the new terror threat, gas prices, the failing of the immigration reform bill or the failing grade of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is all about the presence of senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the presidential race (a woman and former first lady and an African American). I surely would not like to be a democrat at this time. No way, it is way too much to handle. However, democrats are confidently running the campaign show. The 2008 presidential will definitely draw more audience than the final of the last American Idol. Are you wondering why I put it that way? The answer is more people usually vote for American Idol contenders than the U.S. president. Believe it or not.

So far, things are looking good for both of them. Obama keeps drawing more people and collecting more money while Hillary is collecting a lot of money and getting more open in public and more support from her husband. People start to really know her. But there is one problem. It is clear that her campaign is doing its very best to keep Mr. Bill in the shadow but unfortunately the needs are calling for him. Going back to the Haitian history, in the late 1700's, Kerverseau claimed that avec Toussaint L'Ouverture, tu peux tout et sans Toussaint tu ne peux rien..." In other words, with Bill Clinton, Hillary can be all and without Bill she is only Hillary. If they do not want to ask for his help now, they will have to beg for it later. Otherwise, she can forget about winning Hispanic and Black voters.

US. Senator, Barrak Obama has been enjoying a solid FREE PRESS PASS, which he does not really take advantage of. Regardless, he is playing well. However, his campaign needs to understand that considering all the odds against him, playing along or doing fine is not enough. It is time to be running the show. It is now or never. I understand that he is trying to run a clean and irregular American style of political campaign. Come on, give me a break. I am not calling for dirty political moves but time is calling for some actions. Why not some attacks? If Obama's campaign does not change their strategy, it will only keep them in second place. I feel like they are working for a running mate position. Because keeping things the way they are is just good for Hillary.

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